From cab driver to celebrity
New York Hack, a taxicab driver in New York City, has just announced a new book deal with Random House based on a blog she started last August. The blog contains pictures of people who cut her off in traffic and complaints about traffic being blocked in New York City. When the AP caught hold of her story in January, she became an overnight celebrity.
Around the same time, the AP turned my friend's masters thesis into an international media sensation. I can't help but notice a parallel. I guess just live your life as usual. The AP will find you eventually.
If this isn't inspiration to write a blog, I'm not sure what is.

Hi Teutsch, thanks for commenting on my blog. I'm reading yours... and I have to ask:
who is Raghav? who are you? are you making fun of someone you don't know just because you can?
I googled and so far he is a
-PhD Student
Department of Computer Science
University of Chicago
- co-author of "Seeking a Vertex of the Planar Matching Polytope in NC. ESA 2004: 472-483"
- 18-25 years, Location College Station, Texas
Home Town Na, Na
Marital Status Single Location:Chicago, Illinois, United States
And then I see he is linked. So... anyway. Maybe if I just put all these questions aside and continue to read your blog, the answers will come to me or become unimportant.
Ok so he's your live in lover, you met at uni and bonded over complicated mathematical concepts.
Oh and how did you find mine by the way - was it through my comment on the NY taxi lady? Sorry I'm so full of questions.
Hello KF, I have followed your trail...
Hello Ida.
Would I... :)
Actually, I'd prefer that you became famous overnight
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