Stop Teutsching Me

A blog about Raghav Kulkarni and other interesting subjects.

Thursday, April 06, 2006

All you have to do is find me, you lucky women

One of the easiest ways to meet new people is by posting your name, home phone number, and address on the wall in a public restroom. This tried-and-true method has been used since before the invention of the Internet. Results guaranteed, or your money back.

That's exactly how I first met Raghav Kulkarni, back in the summer of '94. It all started one balmy afternoon behind the Avenue B Baseball Park in Bogalusa, Louisiana. When I read those six words, "FOR A GOOD TIME CALL 1-800-RAGHAV," I knew I was going to have a good time. And thank g-d it was a toll-free number because otherwise I never would have called.

The next thing I knew, Raghav climbed up a tree, and he wouldn't come back down.



Blogger talljay said...

I hate to be negative but I have to disagree that "1-800-RAGHAV" is a "word". Also, wouldn't this simplify to -799-RAGHAV ?

April 06, 2006 7:03 AM  

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