Stop Teutsching Me

A blog about Raghav Kulkarni and other interesting subjects.

Sunday, March 19, 2006


One of my readers is making a serious effort to change the world. And it looks like his machine may be smelling rotten food for less than a dollar per rotting piece. For those of you who are already in the market for a smell-o-phone, check out the Economist article from this week, What the nose knows.

Thanks to Nee-Nee for pointing me to this article.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

great! the world will change surely.
next thing: smello-e-mail???
smello-chat on yahoo ???
one curiosity: will the smello-phone
have a "smell mail box" (like voice mail box) and what will be the message
on that: please leave ur smell after
the bip ???
even basic question: may be one puts
the receiver near nose instead of ears
but how will the mic get oriented ?

March 20, 2006 2:24 AM  
Anonymous Gabriel said...

Yoour the best

July 19, 2022 5:33 AM  

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